Now showing items 1-10 of 82
Awareness of misconceptions in science and mathematics education: perceptions and experiences of pre-service teachers
(Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, 2017)
This study aimed to reveal elementary science and mathematics pre-service teachers’ perceptions and experiences on misconceptions. To what extent pre-service teachers are aware of students’ misconceptions, and what they ...
University-school partnership: a lens for school type differences in fractional knowledge
(ECER 2017, 2017)
This study will examine school type differences in fifth-grade students’ fractional knowledge using data from a university-school partnership. The participants will be a total of 203 students from a public school and a ...
Okulda ünimodeli ile okul stajında yaratılan farklar: matematik öğretmenliği örneği
Okulda Üniversite modelinin 7 boyutu vardır. Daha önce birçok yerde akademesiyenlerin gelişimi, okul- üniversite işbirliğinin nasıl yapıldığına dair çalışmalar Ulusal ve uluslararası konferanslarda sunulmuştur. Okullarla ...
Investigating fifth-grade students’ conceptions of fractions on the number line
(NCTM Research ConferenceAt: San Francisco, 2016)
In this study, clinical interviews focusing on students’ understanding of fractions as numbers on the number line were conducted with six fifth-grade students both before and after an intervention designed by teacher-researchers. ...