The blue peace: achieving peace and security through water cooperation
Kibaroğlu, A., Vishwanath, A., & Ahmmad, Y. (2015) The blue peace: achieving peace and security though water cooperation. SETA Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research. 17 (1) p. 41-47.Abstract
Water is about people and human security. Unfortunately water has become a source of conflicts around the world, especially in the Middle East. There is a critical need for active water cooper- ation between nations in the region. This article discusses possible ways to achieve such cooperation, using tools developed under the Blue Peace concept. The article highlights a positive example of con- crete steps taken by Turkey and Iraq in the area of track-two hydro diplomacy, which could potentially expand to other countries in the region. Experiences from around the world demonstrate that sustainable active water cooperation is possible and there are many examples that could be adapted by countries in the Middle East.